Friday, 7 June 2019

Digital Fluency Intensive Day 2 - Workflow

Another productive Digital Fluency Intensive day we had...

We delve into:

  • What has worked for you since the last time we met?

  • What hasn’t worked (or made sense)?

  • What do you need help with?

Then facilitators shared that Google Docs has go a new feature where we can highlight a paragraph and then move it either up or down.

For Learn / Ako

Ako means learn. What it means in the digital environment. 2 things runs parallel:
1. effective teaching and learning
2. digital at the same time.

We as educators need to engage and excite kids to learn by:
1. recognising
2. amplifying
3. turbo-charging

Great teaching + Digital Affordances = Acceleration

Our own blogs - is rewindable learning
- worth learning then worth capturing teaching
- can always go back and use / ahaa moment.

2. Create: Making meaning of content

Deep Dived into:
Google Keep ( Its an integrated tool. It comes with lots of inbuilt features.
Google Keep is a nice way to:

  • Jot the thoughts 
  • Take notes 
  • Relax and listen to Key Notes, Lectures and Presentations.
  • Voice Memos
  • Take 30 seconds to revolutionise our work like (record while u take a walk to your car)
  • Google Docs and Google Keep
  • Search: Types, People, Labels and Colours (Video 1Video 2Video 3).
  • Using Google Keep with Inbox by Gmail

For managing our workflow we looked at :

Gmail - (
Calendar - ( where I learnt how to block my calendar and make appointments
Hangouts/ Meet - ( we made calls, received calls etc.

* It's wise to achieve rather than delete
* lots of extensions can be used to simplify g-mail

Taming your Tabs - was another extension we can utilise to manage all our tabs. Google Toby Mini is another extension I can utilise to tame my tabs.

3. Share: Embed and Rewind Content 

Use Google Hangouts to connect with a small group - was another interesting activities we did in a group of 3. Over here we were to look at the Summer Learning Journey and answer questions after studying one of the learner's post. Below are the questions:

Questions and thoughts to drive your conversation:

  • What was the teaching design behind this post?
  • What was the learner’s response ie the post content
  • Who responded to the post and how did this support the learning experience or contribute more to the learning of the child?

I worked with Andy and Sushmita. Sadly in our little group only Sushmita had the Apple laptop and she had to manage the Quicktime for screencasting and recording. I had to use Donna's laptop and make a call since for my HP the hangout domain was disabled.

Everything went well while we did the recording but when we played to ourselves then we realised that the microphone on Quicktime player was disabled. 

Out recording:

We have learnt to:

  • make sure to check the microphone option on Quicktime that it's enabled and on high volume.
Other important things learnt when using Hangout is:

  • to turn your microphone off so that we can hear the person talking clearly otherwise there will be feedback noise.
  • make sure the background is presentable and there should be enough sunlight on the person talking but no sunlight behind you as it will reflect on the computer screen.
  • show that you are present by displaying your video.


  1. Hi Anjila,
    Looking at your post, I know where to come if I need a quick glimpse of what we covered during each week. Looking at our first effort recording the Hangouts session, like you I will make sure that if i ever get to create a video using software that focusses on the one device, I will make sure that I check all sound settings. As always only if time allows, because all too often we don't have time, do we?

    Looking forward to working with you and Sushmita in the future.

    Andy D.
    Andy D.

    1. Kia Ora, Andy. Yes, you are right that we always run short of time. Plus another thing is that I think practice and using it regularly will help to become an expert. Takecare... Ka kite anō au i a koe (I'll see you again).


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