Friday, 2 August 2019

Digital Fluency Intensive Day 7 - Computational Thinking

Topic : Computational Thinking

Our day started with the discussion about - EMPOWERMENT/ EMPOWERED

* If we don't want children to be disempowered then the work should be there before and should be rewindable. 
* Chromebook use empowers learners.
* We can't just say that tech is just a tool. It needs to transform the peoples lives.

Then the second session was followed by OMGTech! Trialblazers. 
Vivian Chandra and Simon took the session.

The session was to help teachers to gain confidence in teaching digital technology and computer science. Digital technology is going to be critical to every aspect of life in the future - be it robots, AI, Flying cars, Augmented Reality, 3D printing and so much more….
To recognise this the Government has made in part of the curriculum in schools. Which means teachers are now the key to ensuring all children learn digital technology! This workshop was a great first step to prepare teachers for this awesome responsibility. OMGTech! is committed to supporting teachers on their journey with digital technologies.

While diving into Curriculum Deep Dive we learnt the difference between:
Digital Fluency - such as we can take photos, filter and post it such as on Instagram.
Digital Technology - can be I don't like deer ears but like bunny ears so I can do photoshop and then post it.
So Digital Technology is one step ahead Digital Fluency.

We also experienced doing some of the activities such as - Binary Maths, Art & Algorithms, 10 Block Challenge and so on.

Art & Algorithms Game - we went online and found out how many kilometres far is our birth country and then 6 people were selected to stand on the 6 starting arrows. Once asked then 2 people moved into one box and there were 3 boxes only. We said our distances in kilometres and the one who had the highest moved towards right and lower distance person moved towards left. Outcome was we were all lined up from the lowest to the highest in kilometres.
Binary - it was the first time I heard about this but it was pretty fun as I enjoyed it a lot.
Hour of Code - we played Minecraft, Kodables and Code Combat. For me these were quite challenging but I understand my learners will love it.
Another challenging game we played was Scratch.
Scratch Junior is available on Ipad and Androids as well.
There were few other games as well.
So to make learning fun for learners we educators need to upskill our teaching so we can transform the lives of our learners.

1 comment:

  1. It was really fun having presenters from OMGTech. I also found the session very beneficial. Using scratch to create a maze game was definitely challenging however it help we attain skills and relate to some of the challenges our students way face.


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