Thursday, 27 August 2020

Literacy across the curriculum

This toolkit is about exploring one way of creating T-Shaped Literacy tasks within a Science and Social Science context.

Creativity out of the Box - Toolkits

Various ways we educators can utilize multimodal teaching approaches to make teaching more fun for learners and reduce our workload. This toolkit was about providing some resources to support learner creativity without always needing to provide a template.

Blogging Basics: Getting Started

Wednesday, 26 August 2020

Teacher Dashboard - Posts & Comments

To check the comments left by others on a child's blog. 

Can also delete any malicious comments from here as well.

Once the class teacher has entered the Email notifications, he or she should always be notified via email. In an email, the teacher needs to send the email into the spam folder to stop malicious email from coming. It will stop that comment coming into Teacher Dashboard as well.

  Posts - teacher can always check which child has been posting their comments and who isn't.

Blog Settings - on Teacher's Device

 New Blogging settings.
Can scroll down and select - Revert to Blog Settings (it's easier) and can always change back to Try The New Blogger.
It's important to check the Posts & Comments section so the teacher can always be notified if there are any comments being posted on the blog.
Also, the class teacher's Email is paramount to receive the notifications.

Monday, 10 August 2020

CREATE Workshop No. 2 - Book Creator

 The second workshop I attended was taken by Dorothy Burt which was about - Book Creator which is a simple tool for creating awesome digital books (Chromebook).

CREATE Workshop No. 1 - Authentic Cultural Experience

Today I attended a Manaiakalani CREATE Workshop at Tamaki College. 

I attended my first workshop by Poto Faalili and Christine Tupou and they talked about - Create promotional resources to promote an authentic cultural experience.

My Master's Executive Summary 2024

I am proud to share that I completed my Master's of Contemporary Education in 2024. My research focused on advancing effective education...